Success Story no. 1 ( Mehak Fatima )

 MDCAT Diaries is carrying out a survey, in which those students who are successful in getting admission in MBBS/BDS are being asked to submit their success stories. We asked some questions to all students. All of  their responses are being published here one by one now.

So, today we are publishing the story of Mehak Fatima. She was a repeater student. And she got admission in SIMS.

Question: Your Name?

Answer: Mehak Fatima

Question: Do you want your name to be published publicly on our website with your story? 

Answer: Yes

Question: In which medical college you are admitted, or going to be admitted, expectedly?

Answer: Services institute of medical sciences(InshaAllah)

Question: Your merit number according to UHS merit list?

Answer: 1156

Question: Why You wanted to become a doctor?

Answer: I want to become because it's my passion. And I want to serve my country in this field.

Question: Write your story. Write as much as you want. 

Answer: First the idea of becoming a doctor was not mine. It was my father's desire that he wanted to see me as a doctor, but with time I realized that this was the only thing that I wanted to do means it was not his desire that forced me to do this it was my hidden love for this field that became passion later. I was in ninth grade when he first expressed his desire that he wanted to see me as a doctor. So, the story begins from here, In ninth grade I worked hard and Alhamdulillah got 475/505 than in matric I got 1031/1100 Alhamdulillah. I was not satisfied with my marks at that time because I was expecting around 1060. But my parents supported me as for them marks didn't matter at all. In FSC first year I set my target to get 1030 plus marks but unfortunately in first year I got 447/505(Alhamdulillah) that was a big shock for me, but I think time is the best medicine for every pain and suffering. After 2nd year papers I joined the academy for MDCAT prep besides a lot of hard work I couldn't succeed. And got 170/200 .it was my first attempt for mdcat.FSC result came and Alhamdulillah I got 1006/1100 .but couldn't secure seat in medical college as my aggregate was round about 88. Then I decided to repeat. From 4 Nov 2019 I started preparations for mdcat and FSC improvement. For mdcat I joined a lot of academies means. A lot of, almost 7 to 8 during the year 2020 & done my prep. Due to promotion policy for students my marks improved to 1038 Alhamdulillah. After this, nmdcat is the main target and as we all know syllabus had been changed at the last moment so with in last 4 to 5 days I read federal books and then again revised all my syllabus from Punjab text books, and it was not an easy task BTW. In nmdcat Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah Almighty I got 185/200 and now my aggregate is 93.3683% Alhumdulliah Alhumdulliah. Through all this I have learned one thing that the main and the biggest support is always from Allah and After Allah it is from your parents. Through all this year many people said "tum say nahi ho pay ga chor do ,tum nahi kar sakti" ,but my parents always motivates me .so this is my story hope you find some motivation from this.jazakAllah

Question: If you repeated MDCAT or improved FSC, then what was your special routine during that time? Write your detailed experience during that time. 

Answer: First I joined the academy in Multan for three months and there I did prep for my nmdcat and FSC improvement. After this three months session I joined the FSC academy test session in my home town and prepared my nmdcat at home with this. Then after 2 months approximately, I had joined Era and near peer both and this was my routine for the next 4 month. After this I had joined Kips's test session and then in the last stars test session. And during all these test sessions I used to prepare my tests and also follow my own schedule for revision.

Question: Sum up your story in a single sentence

Answer: When Allah is your strength then nothing can break you.

Question: If you could not get admission in MBBS, then what was your 2nd or backup plan? 

Answer: If I couldn't get admission in MBBS then I would prefer doing B's English and after this CSS.

Question: Any special advice to juniors?

Answer: ALWAYS KEEP YOU FAITH in Allah. Respect your parents and teachers and do as much hard work as you can.

Question: "What is Life?" According to your point of view

Answer: Life is a small journey from Allah to Allah.

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If you could not get admission in MBBS, and changed your field, you can also submit your story. Click on the button below to reach submission form.

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